Wednesday, March 18, 2009

But Why?

So you're wondering...a blogger? Really? Well, I think that I have a lot of stories to tell. After hearing my coworker rave about her blogging experience, I thought that it would be fun to give it a try.

So what's my angle? Well, it's the inner Domestic Goddess teaming up with the 9-5 Goddess in me. Stories about my never boring home life and my always interesting life in the workforce. And my blog wouldn't be complete if I didn't share some domestic tips and recipes with you.

Hope you enjoy my blog!!!


  1. Color me impressed! Well done, sissy! I'm proud of you for starting this.

  2. Great job mama! Can't wait to hear random stories of ALL your boys =)

  3. As said co-worker...I'm THRILLED that you've joined the blogosphere! Now, you have to go to the Blogher conference with me in Chicago in July. hahaha ;-)
